Tuesday, 9 February 2016

CHAPTER 5 (Sins of inresponsibilty)


When God spoke DR ANIGBOGU, he said the Nigerian church is guilty of the sin of irresponsibility, to the church in cardices, God said you are blind and retched, to the church in sardice, God said you have a name that you live by, but you are dead.
To the Nigerian church, God said you are irresponsible, we have been giving so much, but we have delivered do little, we only think about ourselves, we are consumed with our comfort, convenience, promotion and breakthrough, we don’t even see what is going on around us, and we have men of God in this country who can stand and say no, it’s a pity Bishop Idahosa is dead, if that man was alive maybe things will not have been like this, and we should thank God for small mercies, that we have a strong man DR ANIGBOGU.

                                                         DR ANIGBOGU
The people who abuse him the most are the Christians, and believe it, if that man was not the president of C.A.N. you cannot be here today because Lagos have become jihadist state. They would have been locked churches, its because somebody is still standing and he is standing alone, and all the other pastors are abusing him, go and make research on what Christians are writing about C.A.N, about him, Nigeria church has an ultimatum of 30 years, if you don’t repent and return and do the work that God have called you to do, and leave this nonsensical attachment to vanity, and stop pursuing prosperity, breakthrough and pursue discipleship in 30 years you will not hand over Christianity to your children, God said we should learn from turkey, and the most high said, find out how Christianity was destroyed in turkey and Prophet Anigbogu discovered that every mistakes the Christians in turkey made that led to the collapse of Christianity, the Nigerian church is repeating all those mistakes step by step.

The church underestimated the young autumn ruler, the same way the Nigerian church leaders have agreed, saying its not possible, it is,. No one knows the spirit behind Islam, can you imagine that some one will take a cutlass and split the head of a child. Can you imagine somebody will set another human on fire, because he doesn’t believe what he does believe.
In GBOGORE they went to a church on a Sunday locked the doors stood outside and threw inside cans of petrol and set it on fire, and refused to allow the Christians to come out and they roasted 70 people inside the church on a Sunday. Deeper life in Gombe, they were having prayer meeting in the evening, three Islamist lined up the window with AK47 and sprayed everybody, the Nigerian church is underestimating Islam.
The church in Constantinople that is old name for Istanbul which is now the commercial capital of turkey, from where every body in turkey now spread out, they assumed tha n   t Constantinople was the best defended city in Europe, the Nigerian church is making the same mistake, they think they are the largest in Africa the largest in the world, it’s a mistake. It doesn’t stop Islam, the leadership of the church in turkey, within and outside was bitterly divided, the church I Nigeria, are they united? “Jesus Said a House That Is Divided Cannot Stand”. On the basis of that, if Islam does not destroy the church, the Bablawos will do, if we are divided, we are not working as one. But thank God it is beginning to change. Now am happy church leaders are now paying attention to this. So everything am writing here, am trying to pass information, and I have to tell you the way that it is, so that you can be Galvanized in to righteous actions. Each ministry in Nigeria stands on its own, there is no connection. (Global news carried the headline) “RUMBLE IN THE HOUSE OF GOD, NIGERIAN PASTORS THAT HATES THEMSELVES”. And their photographs were there. It is a big, mess. Racism and tribalism weakened the church in turkey, racism and tribalism is weakening the body of Christ in Nigeria.


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