Monday, 14 March 2016


how to multiply money 
keep the currencies flowing .it must flow to you and from you to others.the only thing that stops it from reaching men is men. "praise  God from whom all blessing flow " indeed there is a currency that flows from God's word

some of the thing which hinder multiplication of money are laziness, association with wrong people,bad habit,stinginess in our attitudes towards giving to our parents,the poor and God's kingdom project
multiplication strategies

multiplication strategies
  • poor expect.when the expectation is poor one is led to carry water in cup water in a cup instead of using a larger container 
  • be involved in the creativity of your finances, creativity helps increase.
  • learn to own things not just work for them 
  • living within your means 
  • take advantage of available resources to multiply your income 
  • when God give a seed,learn to sow it and not eat it all  

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