Thursday, 25 February 2016



"Danny was not pleased upon seeing Brymolikewise Brymo.“What are you doing with my woman, shouldn’tyou be with your wife? Brymo asked Danny.Amanda got surprised from what Brymo said,however she gave a deaf ear to it.

What even gother more surprised was the fact that Brymoknew Danny.“Oh yes, very very well my love ” Brymo said.He actually called Amanda his love just tointimidate his brother. Amanda was
 moreconcerned about her sister.“Where is Rapha? What really happened to her?”Amanda asked Brymo.“Well, she came looking for you at the office. Allof a sudden she started complaining ofabdominal pains so i had to rush her here”Brymo lied.” She is being attended to right now”he continued.Amanda looked worried upon hearing of hersister’s condition but what got her thinking morewas that, if her sister was coming to her at herwork place, she would have called. Sheknew her sister very well. Amanda was smartenough to know that Brymo was actually lying.She knew he was hiding something from her andwhatever that thing was, she was determined tofind out eventually.Danny didn’t like the presence of Brymo. Hedidn’t feel comfortable around him. For bloodrelated brothers to be acting this way meansthere is an interesting history behind them.Brymo and Danny grew up together. Right fromtheir childhood, naturally, they never got alongvery well. Everything to them was a competition.One always wanted to be ahead of the other;either in class, home or even fungames.They usually resulted into fighting whenthey don’t agree on something. Things gotintense when back in high school, Danny met hisfirst love. Everything was perfect between Dannyand his girlfriend until Brymo came along theway. No one knew the motiveof Brymo’s actions but however, he succeeded ingetting Danny’s girlfriend’s attention by makingDanny look like an uncaring boyfriend.It even got worse when Brymo started going outwith this same girl. They hated each other rightfrom that time.Life became good for Danny as he successfullycompleted his education, got a good job andeventually rose with the ranksto a top managerial position. He never lackedanything. In no time, he found love andeventually got married. Danny was howeverfacing some challenges that no oneknew of. It was as a result of the thoughts thatmade him knock Amanda with his car.Back at the hospital, Danny didn’t like Brymo’spresence. He called Amanda aside, gave her hiscontact and left the hospital in a haste.Amanda felt comfortable around him and even assoon as he left, she felt something missing. Forthe first time, she didn’t like the idea of beingleft alone with Brymo. Brymo decided to takeadvantage of this moment. He felt he needed todo something, especially when his brother wasnow getting close to Amanda.“Brymo, who is Danny? How do you know him”Amanda asked. “Is that really important, he isjust an irresponsible man whodoesn’t take care of his wife” Brymo asked.” So he is married?” Amanda asked.” …so he didn’t tell you that? I see he wants tohave his way with you like his other concubines”Brymo said.“Brymo, is he married?” Amanda asked again.” Yes, my lady. He is, and with. a son now”Brymo said. “I see” Amanda said.Somehow, she looked disappointed. She decidednot to even call him back again. Brymo noticedthe look on Amanda’s face and began takingadvantage of it. She knew Amanda so well andknew her softspots. He knew how to even manipulate her andpersuade her. He was just ready to use herweakness against her. He came closer to herand said “Amanda, I have been waitingfor this time to tell you how sorry i am pertainingto what happened. I’m a changed man and i askthat you forgive me and take me back into yourarms like we used to be.”"Brymo, for how long will you keep doing this?You completely ignored me and now you expectme to believe you? What about Ama. I know youand how you easily move from one lady to theother. What about her? I know yougoing out with her. ” Said Amanda” Amanda, i may be guilty for such things but I’mnot going out with Ama. I know what you havedone for me. Let me make amends. Let’s workthings out and get married ” Brymo said this.Marriage? Can he be serious? Never in the entirelife span of their relationship has he ever spokenof marriage to Amanda. Was he being real thistime around? This gave Amanda adifferent impression. She was somehow fallingfor this vague words from Brymo.Meanwhile, Danny in his terrible state has gottenhome. He met his wife and kid at the livingroom. Before he could even settle down, his wifebegan shouting at him.“Where are you coming from at this time of theday? I called your office and was told you werenot there,Dan? Where have you been? Danny’swife, Mrs Helena shouted right in the presence ofthe child. Danny didn’t answer her as he washeading straight into his room, however, his wifestood before the bed room entrancepreventing Danny from entering. “Tell me whereyou have been before i allow you to enter intothis room” She yielded at him.” Look woman, don’t forget that this is my house”Danny said“It can belong to your dead father for all i care!You useless impossible man! If you think yougonna cheat on me and walk away freely, thenyou must be joking ” She said. She wascompletely over reacting. No one knows why shemade such claims but from the look of thingsyou could tell that Danny indeed was not a happyman. He was really going through hell in thismarriage. The root for this wholequarrel here and there was not visible as at thismoment. For Helena to call his husband uselessand accuse him of cheating, then there is moreto be told.Out of frustration, Danny went out of the houseagain as if that will make Helena stop, she kepton yelling at him.” Walk away as you always do.You coward. You always afraid to face yourproblems. Walk away. I will be herewaiting for you” she said and went back into thehouse as Danny drove away.Back at the hospital, while Brymo and Amandawere still waiting to see Rapha, Brymi was all ofa sudden was trying to win back Amanda’s heart.It looked as if he had planned everything, as hetook a ring out of his pocket and took Amandaby hand. Seems Brymo meant business thistime. “I have been waiting for this moment fordays now and thisring has been on me where ever i go. Amandawill you marry me? Brymo said.They were interrupted by the return of the doctorfrom Rapha’s ward. He brought a shocking andunexpected news.# Rapha_didnt_make_it .To be continued tomorro ..... Stay tuned

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