Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Be aware of people who want to kill your dreams ,there is nothing worse than a friend or loved one killing your dreams, there are people who may innocently or not so innocently say things such as :

  1. You can’t do that!!!!
  2. That is too risky .do you know how many people fail!!
  3. Don’t be silly, where you come up with such ideas
  4. If it is such a good idea, why hasn’t anyone done it before?
  5. Oh,I Tried that years ago, let me tell you why it wont work  

We have noticed that people who kill other people dreams are people who have given up on their own dreams 
What are your big dreams?

At this time,it is important that you take a moment to think, dream and then write  down your dreams  on our comments box we can help you bring out the best in if you share you big dreams  

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